Kindness Book Round-Up - mini mioche

Kindness Book Round-Up

As any mindful parent or caregiver can likely agree, raising kind and compassionate kids ranks near the top of the list of #parentinggoals. While modelling this behaviour at home is arguably the best tool we have for teaching our kids to be kind, books can also provide a great opportunity to initiate meaningful conversations about kindness towards ourselves and others. 

We've collaborated with Kristine Grant, the Director of Learning Environments at Kids & Company to curate a list of her top book recommendations on the theme of cultivating kindness in kids. Kristine, along with her team of educators, is responsible for shaping the education of roughly 10,000 children ages 0-5 nationwide. As such, she is deeply familiar with the reading materials that engage little minds and inspire action. It's never too early to start teaching the power of kindness and compassion to our kiddos! See below for her top picks on the subject: 

1. Kindness is my Superpower, by Alicia Ortego - In this story, little Lucas learns that it feels good to be kind. This book has many different examples of acts of kindness that you can talk through with your child and relate back to their own lives and experiences.  

2. Kindness Makes Me Stronger, by Elizabeth Cole - Instead of learning about being kind, the star of this book, Nick, teaches about kindness from a child's point of view, with a focus on inclusion and diversity. 

3. A World of Kindness, by Pajama Press - This book was inspired by the author's granddaughter, who experienced a classmate being unkind. After being told kindness was always the best solution, this book explores simple ways to show kindness. 

4. Be Kind, by Pat Zietlow Miller - This book is for older children, who might be in a situation where being kind can feel hard and sometimes scary. This book teaches that even when we don't know exactly what to do, there's always a way to show kindness.
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